This time, Shadow Lights Group will launch a new photoshoot with a new concept.

Photoshoot name: Belle femme (meaning beautiful woman)

Models can check the content of the photoshoot in advance
The models themselves decide what costumes they will wear
The models themselves decide which projects they do not want to participate in


A photoshoot that pursues the beauty of women and focuses on shooting as art. We will also try high-exposure shooting to expand the range of artistic shooting. We will focus on beauty and art, not shooting for the purpose of sexual stimulation, and our concept is to bring out the cuteness and sexiness that women possess.

Special rules for participating in a photoshoot at Belle femme

At Belle femme, our concept is to shoot in a way that people of all ages, regardless of gender, will find beautiful. We do not seek shooting that is obscene or sexually exploitative. We hope for a shoot that brings out the beauty and cuteness that women naturally possess.

This photoshoot will emphasize femininity more than regular Shadow Lights Group photoshoots, so we ask that you be more careful in building your distance and relationship with the model.

As for the photoshoots, we will focus on creating more fashionable work than general sexual gravure poses.

Prohibited Items

– Direct touching, unwilling behavior, slander, complaints, unreasonable poses that the model does not want, forcing exposure

– Shooting that is different from the theme set by the management (e.g. gravure or shooting methods that are reminiscent of sexual things)

– Talking to the model during shooting other than during the shoot, during breaks, waiting for the model to enter or leave the studio, etc.

– Taking secret photos of videos, etc. – Fine of 300,000 yen. Still images are also prohibited, and secretly taking photos at times when the model does not intend to do so

– Taking photos of only specific parts of the body – Low angles that give the impression of peeking into underwear, etc. are prohibited

– Asking for personal information from the model is strictly prohibited. [1. Phone number 2. Address 3. LINE, etc. 4. Talking with the opposite sex 5. Personal information 6. Matters related to body shape]

– M-shaped poses, Y-shaped balance, female leopard pose (basically prohibited), Dacchuno pose (basically prohibited)

(Basic poses are general model and Shadow Lights Group fashion poses)

(Only poses with the model’s permission are possible)

– Shooting or conversations that suggest sexual acts

Prohibited matters regarding conversations during shooting

– Asking about bust size (three sizes)

– Comparing shape or personality with other women

– You’re so beautiful you want to touch her, your lips make you want to kiss her, your firmness is nice

– Conversations that convey personal opinions about a specific part of the body

※ Even if you intend to compliment her, comments about her body size or shape can be unpleasant, so please refrain from making such comments, especially when she is showing a lot of skin.

Image confirmation

The model management reserves the right to check any sensitive shoots, and you must comply. Please delete any photo data that the model feels uncomfortable with or does not want.

Rules for posting on social media

・ In order to build a branding that is different from general gravure photography, Belle femme does not allow the word “gravure” to be used in the photo.

・ Please confirm with the model for permission to post on site or in the edited data. (Unless the model herself has given permission for full publication)

Notes on instructions to the model

Please consult with the model and get permission before proceeding with exposing the model’s costume.

Example: Lift up the T-shirt a little more, move the costume or underwear, roll up the skirt

Response to violation of rules on site

・ If any unintentional sexual harassment against women occurs on site, the following measures will be taken.

Minor violation: Warning with a yellow card.Future measures will be considered based on the number of yellow cards. Basically, if there are no violations within the month, the yellow card will be canceled.

Severe violation: Warning with a red card. Please understand that the management will make a comprehensive judgment on the nature of the violation, such as leaving without refund, restricting participating models, and suspending participation for a certain period of time.

Shooting image

Please note that if there is a significant discrepancy between the image that the model thinks is beautiful after the shoot and the actual image, we may refuse to accept reservations for future shoots.

We are looking for models to work with us

If you are interested, please feel free to send us a message below. You can just ask questions! You can also just try it out! …




Belle femmeでの撮影参加における特別なルール

Belle femmeでは男性・女性問わず、どの年代の方が見てもきれいと感じる撮影をコンセプトとして掲げております。いやらしさが際立ったり性的な搾取するような撮影は求めておりません。女性が本来持つ【きれい】や【かわいい】を引き出す撮影を望んでおります。




・ 直接触れる行為、嫌がる行為、誹謗中傷、クレーム、モデルの望まない無理なポージング、露出強要

・ 運営が設定したテーマと異なる撮影 (例 グラビアや性的な事を連想させる撮影方法)

・ 撮影中以外での撮影や休憩中、入りや出待ちなどで話かける行為

・ 動画等で盗撮行為 罰金30万円 静止画もモデルの意図していないタイミングで隠し撮りは禁止

・ 特定の部位だけを撮影する行為 下着などを覗き込むように感じるローアングルの禁止

・ モデルの個人情報を聞き出す行為は固く禁止とさせて頂きます。
【1 電話番号 2 住所 3 LINE等 4 異性とのお話 5 個人情報 6 体型にまつわる事】

・ M字ポージング Y字バランス 女豹ポーズ(基本禁止) ダッチューノポーズ(基本禁止)



・ 性行為を連想させる撮影や会話


・ バストサイズ(スリーサイズ)を聞く行為

・ 他の女性と形や性格を比べる

・ 触りたくなるほどきれい、キスしたくなる唇だね、張りがある~がいいね

・ 特定の部位に対しての個人的な感想を伝える会話

※ 身体のサイズや形に関する発言でも褒めてるつもりでも不快に感じる事もありますので特に露出が高い時にそのような発言は一切禁止でお願いします。




・ Belle femmeでの撮影では一般的なグラビア撮影とは線を引いたブランディングを構築していく為撮影に対してグラビアという文言を入れるのは禁止とさせて頂きます。

・ 掲載の許可は現場もしくは編集後のデータでモデルに確認をお願いします。(モデル本人が全公開許可を出している場合を除く)



例 もうちょっとTシャツをめくって 衣装やインナーをずらして スカートまくって


・ 現場で意図せず女性に対してセクハラに該当する事が発生した場合、下記のような対応を取らせて頂きます。

軽い違反・・・イエローカードによる警告。 イエローカードの枚数で今後の対応を検討させて頂きます。基本的に月内で違反がなければイエローカードは取り消しになります。





※ ご連絡の際はベルフェムモデルについてという文章を入れてくださるとスムーズです。


ライン@ ラインから直接質問など連絡できます!
※ ご連絡の際はベルフェムモデルについてという文章を入れてくださるとスムーズです。